bells and wonders-17

Bells and Wonders (2017)
Sitespecific soundpiece and installation in collaboration with artist Jonas Liveröd at Alma Löv Museum of Unexp Art, 2017.
Technique: Digital sound file, 17 min loop, 2 Ohm LM 5 loudspeakers, 1 Behringer iNuke amplifier, Mp3-player.

Gothenburg pavillion at Alma Löv

”From the room at the top of the rickety Gothenburg pavilion at Alma Löv, and in mutual dialogue with Jonas Liveröd´s revamped permanent exhibit, visitors can now listen to Ola Nilsson´s digitally reimagined bell ringing Bells and Wonders. The hard disk of the computer contains downloaded bell chimes from all the churches in the world. But all that remains to hear are point-like signals reminiscent of bell sounds. A modulated soundscape comes over the loudspeaker that might be perceived as vibrating organ tones. To me his sound art and object installations orchestrate and animate our sensory memories like a mental sound tape – crossing tracks and mixing fragments.”
(Excerpt from the exhibition catalogue, text by Jessica Kempe)


Soundsample (2.50 min)
From downstairs, building the installation by Jonas Liveröd