Distance – a Cabinet of Spanning Systems and the Significance of Scale and Time (2013)
Installation, mixed media; print on inkjet film, charcoal, pencil and Indian ink on paper, felt, sediments, plastic, plan- and production drawings, mountings, medium density fiberboard, wood studs, stool, projector, halogen spotlight with telescopic stand, time relay, cord.
The theory that the soil, and not just the object itself , is a medium for and carrier of knowledge, comes relatively late in archeology. The different layers of soil are ”a bridging principle” between the individual items, i.e. the context of the discovery site is of utmost importance.
Freud works inspired by the archaeological method in his psychoanalytic work with repressed memories: in connection with the salvage of a material (memory) once secured and no longer the same, one faces a process in which something new arises instead of something old.
The idea for the piece ”Distance – A Cabinet of Spanning Systems and the Significance of Scale and Time” consists of a layering technique. One can say that the method has the archaeological idea as a starting point. The excavation method in fact refers not only to the subject but also to memories, time, concept, and scale.
Review: Hufvudstadsbladet 2012-02-02 (Leena Kumola)